Tuesday, November 17, 2009


For those who like driving infinite, unobstructed roads, this is heaven. 

Visited the Park twice: November 1970, at the insistence of my father in-law who wanted to see the California desert, and, August 2006, at the insistence of Jr. who wanted to know how 134 Fahrenheit feels like. Thanks, and thanks, for insisting. November temps are just great. Those August days were a disappointment: it got only to 119. 

1. My father in law, who had never seen a landscape without trees in it, was amazed at the solitary immensity of this place.

2. Car factories test  their prototypes here. If the things survive, they'll work anywhere. Camouflaged cars like these, can be seen driving in formation, back and forth, the length of the valley.

3. At dawn and dusk the contour and colors of the hills come alive.  The following two pictures were taken from or near Inspiration Point.

4. These are just two samples of the raw beauty of the park, and you are not going to get lost in the woods hiking it. Take water for the hike, plenty of it!

5. Mrs. and Mr. Al Serra pose at the Devils Golf Course, a dry salt lake (november 1970.)  Jr. takes a picture on top of  a virtually colored hill (august 2006.)

6. Jr. photographing the lowest point.

7. And here it is! (Great job Jr.) The surface of this very hot pond, saturated with salt, but still with some living creatures in it, is the lowest point in the Americas.